Movie and TV Cars
As a specialist in modern classics, we pride ourselves in restoring cars to original quality. We have a large fleet of retro/period/contemporary vehicles ranging from 1975-2005 as well as a range of modern/supercars cars available for film and location work.

Over the years we have established a large database of customer vehicles we have access to.
So, if you are looking for something particular we like to think we can always help.
In addition to our cars we also have some specialist vehicles such as snowmobiles and BV206 Huggland Amphibious Vehicles.

Our onsite team can respray or retrim interiors to any colour so if you are looking for bespoke finishes we can always help.

All our cars are insured and we provide delivery and collection, insurance and pro drivers if required.
For more information please email film@jmbmotorsport.com or contact
Jonathan on 07564-285582
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